Disclosure | GRI - G4 Reference | Location of Disclosure | Relevant commentary | External Assurance |
General Standard Disclosures | ||||
Statement from the most senior decision maker of the organisation | G4-1 | CEO Statement - Blackmores Sustainability Report | No | |
Description of key impacts, risks and opportunities | G4-2 | Blackmores Annual Report, page 15 | Full commentary will be provided in the next Sustainability Report. | No |
Name of organisation | G4-3 | Blackmores Ltd. | No | |
Primary brands, products and services | G4-4 | Blackmores Annual Report, page 2 | The Blackmores Ltd. primary brands are Blackmores, PAW, BioCeuticals, Blackmores Institute, IsoWhey, IsoWhey Sports, Fusion Health, and Oriental Botanicals. | No |
Location of our organisation's headquarters | G4-5 | 20 Jubilee Avenue, Warriewood, NSW, Australia | No | |
Number of countries where the organisation operates | G4-6 | Blackmores Annual Report, page 3 | No | |
Locations of significant operations | Blackmores Sustainability Report | Significant locations of operations are defined as the countries in which we operate. These countries are Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Thailand, Korea, China, Malaysia and Singapore. | No | |
Report the nature of ownership and legal form | G4-7 | Blackmores Annual Report, page 104 | No | |
The markets served | G4-8 | Blackmores Annual Report, page 3 | No | |
The scale of the organisation | G4-9 | Blackmores Annual Report, page 15. | the total number of employees: is 843 permanent full-time or part-time staff. This does not inclue causal or contract staff. | No |
Employee numbers, gender breakdown, employment type, workforce by region, variation in employment | G4-10 | Blackmores Sustainability Report - Performance Data (Our People) | Unprecedented operational growth has seen a steady increase in employee numbers over the FY16 period. | No |
Percentage of employees covered by collective enterprise agreements - The Blackmores Enterprise Agreement (EA) | G4-11 | Blackmores Sustainability Report - Industry Leadership | Blackmores' longstanding Enterprise Agreement is endorsed by Fair Work Australia. In FY16 the Agreement was adopted by BioCeuticals staff. | No |
Description of supply chain | G4-12 | Blackmores Sustainability Report - Supply Chain | Over the course of the year ahead Blackmores will undertake further evaluation of our supply chains to incorporate key non-inventory suppliers. | No |
Significant changes during the reporting period relating to size, structure, or ownership or its supply chain | G4-13 | Blackmores Annual Report, page 21 | No | |
Explanation of whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organisation | G4-14 | Blackmores Annual Report, page 23 | Blackmores has a risk management framework which is integral to the innovation and new product development process. | No |
Externally developed economic, environmental, and social charters, principles, or other initatives to which the organisation subscribes to or endorses | G4-15 | Sustainability Report. | All Blackmores therapeutic goods are manufactured to an international medicine standard enforced by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). Blackmores' headquarters, and home of operations, is TGA licensed. We are a founding member of the Australian Packaging Covenant (APC) and we were one of the first companies to adopt the Australian Recycling Label. Member of the Complementary Medicines Australia. | No |
Memberships of Associations | G4-16 | CMA, NSW Chamber of Commerce, Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, Pharmacy Guild of NZ. | No | |
Operational structure: List all entities in the consolidated financial statements | G4-17 | Blackmores Annual Report, page 92 | No | |
Process for defining report content and the aspect boundaries (and how applied) | G4-18 | Blackmores Sustainability Report - Our Approach and Materiality Assessment | No | |
List material aspects identified in this process for defining report content | G4-19 | Blackmores Sustainability Report - Materiality Assessment | No | |
For each material aspect report the aspect boundary within the organisation | G4-20 | Blackmores Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | |
For each material aspect report the aspect boundary outside of the organisation | G4-21 | Blackmores Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | |
Report significant changes from previous reporting period; statements of information in previous reports | G4-22 | As this is our first Sustainability Report, this disclosure is not applicable. | No | |
Report significant changes from previous reporting periods | G4-23 | As this is our first Sustainability Report, this disclosure is not applicable. | No | |
List of stakeholders engaged | G4-24 | Blackmores Sustainability Report - Stakeholder Engagement | No | |
Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage | G4-25 | Blackmores Sustainability Report - Stakeholder Engagement | No | |
Organisation's approach to stakeholder engagement (including frequency by type and stakeholder group, and if specific to report process) | G4-26 | Blackmores Stakeholder Engagement - Sustainability Report | This is our first report and initial engagement with stakeholders on our sustainability performance. Going forward we will refine our stakeholder engagement approach. | No |
Key topics and concerns raised by stakeholders and how the organisation has responded. Report the stakeholders which raised each key topic and concern. | G4-27 | Blackmores Sustainability Report - Stakeholder Engagement | As this our first year of reporting on sustainability, we took a formal materiality assessment process and prioritised the material issues based on the level of stakeholder concerns, alignment to our company values, our ability to impact and influence these topics and by using the guidelines set out in the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines as a basis. | No |
The Reporting Period (e.g. fiscal/calendar year) for information provided | G4-28 | Blackmores Annual Report, page 42 | Financial Year 2015/16. | No |
Date of most recent previous report (if any) | G4-29 | This is our first publicly disclosed Sustainability Report. | No | |
The reporting cycle | G4-30 | Future reports will be produced annually to match the financial reporting cycle. | No | |
Contact for queries relating to Sustainability Report or its contents | G4-31 | Email sustainability@blackmores.com.au | No | |
Report the 'in accordance' option the organisation has chosen; the GRO Content Index for the chosen option; and reference to the external assurance report | G4-32 | This report contains Standard Disclosures from the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. The Disclosures Index supports this document. | No | |
Current policy and practice with regards to external assurance (note: external assurance is not required to be in accordance with GRI requirements) | G4-33 | Blackmores Sustainability Report - Assurance Statement | Deloitte have provided assurance over selected 2016 Sustainability Standard Disclosure Indicators – refer to Assurance Opinion. | No |
Governance structure of the organisation including committee under the highest governance body responsible for specific tasks, such as setting strategy or organisational oversight | G4-34 | Blackmores Sustainability Report - Sustainability Governance Blackmores Website - Governance & Board of Directors | The Blackmores Board regularly reviews its governance practices to ensure the needs and expectations of stakeholders are met within a framework that is appropriate for Blackmores. The Sustainability Governance is conducted with the framework in this Sustainability Report. | No |
Processes for delegation authority for economic, environmental and social topics from the highest governance body to senior executives and other employees. | G4-35 | Blackmores Sustainability Governance - Blackmores Sustainability Report | The Blackmores Audit and Risk Committee, a subcommittee of the Blackmores Board, is responsible for guiding and monitoring the implementation of the sustainability strategy. | No |
Whether the organisation has appointed an executive-level position with responsibility for economic, environmental and social topics, and whether post holders report directly to the highest governance body | G4-36 | Blackmores Sustainability Report - Sustainability Governance | The Blackmores Audit and Risk Committee, a subcommittee of the Blackmores Board, is responsible for guiding and monitoring the implementation of the Sustainability Strategy. The Executive Team is responsible for implementing the strategy. The Environmental Manager reports to the Head of Quality who reports to the Chief Operating Officer, a member of the Executive Team. | No |
Processes for consultation between stakeholders and the highest governance body on economic, environmental and social topics. If consultation is delegated, describe to whom and any feedback processes to the highest governance body. | G4-37 | Blackmores Sustainability Report - Sustainability Governance | No | |
The composition of the highest governance body and its committees by: Executive or non-executive; independence; tenure on the governance body; number of each individual's other significant positions and commitments and the nature of the commitment; gender; memberships of under-represented social group; competencies relating to economic, environmental and social impacts, stakeholder representation. | G4-38 | Blackmores Annual Report, page 41 | No | |
Report whether the Chair of the highest governance body is also an executive officer | G4-39 | Blackmores Annual Report, page 39 | No | |
Report the nomination and selection processes for the highest governance body and its committees, and the criteria used for nominating and selecting highest governance body members, including: Considerations of diversity, independence, expertise and experience relating to economic, environmental, social topics and stakeholder involvement. | G4-40 | Blackmores Website - Governance & Board of Directors | No | |
Processes for the highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest are avoided and managed, and if these are disclosed to stakeholders. | G4-41 | Blackmores Website - Governance & Board of Directors | No | |
Highest governance body and senior executives' role in the development, approval and updating of the organisation's purpose, value or mission statement, strategies, policies, and goals related to economic, environmental and social impacts. | G4-42 | Blackmores Website - Governance & Board of Directors | No | |
Measures taken to develop and enhance the highest governance body's collective knowledge of economic, environmental and social topics. | G4-43 | Blackmores Website - Governance & Board of Directors | No | |
Processes for evaluating the highest governance body's own performance with respect to governance of economic, environmental and social topics (e.g. Independence, frequency, self-assessment) Actions taken in response to evaluation of the highest governance body's performance with respect to governance of economic, environmental and social topics, including changes in membership and organisational practice. | G4-44 | Blackmores Website - Governance & Board of Directors | No | |
Highest governance body's role in the identification and management of economic, environmental and social impacts, risk and opportunities (including involvement in due diligence processes). Stakeholder consultation used to support the highest governance body's identification and management of economic, environmental, social impacts, risks and opportunities. | G4-45 | Blackmores Website - Governance & Board of Directors | No | |
Highest governance body's role in reviewing the effectiveness of the organisation's risk management process for economic, environmental and social topics | G4-46 | Blackmores Website - Governance & Board of Directors | No | |
Highest committee or position that formally reviews and approves the organisation's sustainability report and ensures that all material aspects are covered. | G4-48 | Blackmores Sustainability Governance Framework | No | |
Report the process for communicating critical concerns to the highest governance body | G4-49 | Blackmores Sustainability Governance Framework | No | |
Report the nature and total number of critical concerns that were communicated to the highest governance body and the mechanism(s) used to address and resolve them. | G4-50 | This is disclosed in the risk management reports to the Audit and Risk Committee and the Board. | No | |
Report the remuneration policies for the highest governance body and senior executives of the below types of remuneration: Fixed pay and variable pay; Sign-on bonuses or recruitment inventive payments; termination payments; Clawbacks; Retirement benefits. How performance criteria in the remuneration policy relate to the highest governance body's and senior executives 'economic, environmental, and social objectives. | G4-51 | Blackmores Annual Report, page 44 | No | |
Process for determine remuneration | G4-52 | Blackmores Annual Report, page 44 | No | |
How stakeholders views are sought and taken into account regarding remuneration | G4-53 | Blackmores Annual Report, page 44 | No | |
Ratio of the annual total compensation for the organisation's highest-paid individual in each country to the median percentage increase in annual total compensation for all employees (Excluding the highest-paid individual in the same country. | G4-54 | Blackmores Annual Report, page 44 | No | |
Ratio of percentage increase in annual total compensation of rather organisation's highest paid individual in each country to the median percentage increase in annual total compensation for all employees (excluding the highest paid individual) in the same country. | G4-55 | Not disclosed | No | |
Description of the organisation's values, principles, standards and norms of behaviour such as codes of conduct and ethics. | G4-56 | Blackmores Website - Governance & Board of Directors | No | |
Internal and External mechanisms for seeking advice on ethical and lawful behaviour and matter related to organisational integrity, such as helplines or advice lines. | G4-57 | Internal staff have a grievance procedure as outlined in Policy HR1200 | No | |
Report the internal and external mechanisms for reporting concerns about unethical or unlawful behaviour and matters related to organisational integrity such as escalation through line management, whistleblowing mechasims or hotlines. | G4-58 | Blackmores Website - Contact Us. | Our contact us on the blackmores website enables external enquiries to be directed for appropriate response | No |
Disclosure | GRI - G4 Reference | Location of Disclosure | Relevant commentary | External Assurance |
Responsible Facilities Management | ||||
Units of product sold | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Total number of units sold does not include Global Therapeutics | NO | |
Number of significant locations of operations | G4-6 | Annual Report. Page 3 | Significant locations of operation are defined as the countries in which we operate. These countries are Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Thailand, Korea, China, Malaysia and Singapore. Operations outside of AUS are typically administrative with a sales and marketing focus. | NO |
WATER | ||||
Onsite municipal water supply withdrawal (KL) | G4-EN8 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Total onsite water withdrawal (KL per 1000 units of product sold) | G4-EN8 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | |
ENERGY | ||||
Onsite energy consumption (GJ) | G4-EN3 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | For this reporting period, energy consumption excludes the hot water boiler. The aim is to include this metric in FY17. | YES |
Onsite energy consumption by type (GJ) | G4-EN3 | YES | ||
Electricity from Trigeneration | G4-EN3 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Electricity from Grid | G4-EN3 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Sales Fleet/Transport | G4-EN3 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | This includes leased vehicles and contracted third party vehicles | YES |
Onsite chilled water energy consumption (GJ) | G4-EN3 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Onsite hot water energy consumption (GJ) | G4-EN3 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Onsite fuel consumption from non-renewables by type (KL) | G4-EN3 | YES | ||
Post 2004 Diesel (KL) | G4-EN3 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Post 2004 Gasoline (KL) | G4-EN3 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Total onsite energy consumption (GJ per 1000 units of product sold) | G4-EN5 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Direct GHG Emissions (tCO2-e/yr) (scope 1) | G4-EN15 | YES | ||
Direct GHG Emissions (per 1000 units of product sold) (scope 1) | G4-EN15 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | |
Indirect GHG Emissions (tCO2-e/yr) (scope 2) | G4-EN16 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | For this reporting period, scope 2 emissions from the onsite hot water boiler or chilled water have been excluded. Our objective is to move to full disclosure next reporting period. | YES |
Indirect GHG Emissions (per 1000 units of product sold) (scope 2) | G4-EN16 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | For this reporting period, scope 2 emissions from the onsite hot water boiler or chilled water have been excluded. Our objective is to move to full disclosure next reporting period. | No |
Total volume of water discharge (KL) | G4-EN22 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | For this reporting period water discharge beyond sewage is excluded. | No |
Total water discharge to sewage (KL) | G4-EN22 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | For this reporting period water discharge beyond sewage is excluded. | No |
Total water discharge (KL per 1000 units of product sold) | G4-EN22 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | |
Total waste generated for disposal (metric tonnes) | G4-EN23 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | The new waste management plan was implemented in Aug/Sept 2015. Therefore to obtain full year metric we have taken the data average over 10 months and applied this averge to first 2 months (July/Aug). | YES |
Total waste generated for disposal (per 1000 units of product sold) (metric tonnes) | G4-EN23 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Total waste for disposal to landfill (metric tonnes) | G4-EN23 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | 266 metric tonnes of putrescible waste sent to landfill of which 101 metric tonnes were diverted to best practice landfill Woodlawn bioreactor facility to produce green electricity | YES |
Total waste diverted (recycled or recovered) by type (metric tonnes) | G4-EN23 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Cardboard/Paper | G4-EN23 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Commingled | G4-EN23 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Commingled includes glass, plastic and some metals | YES |
Compost | G4-EN23 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Organic Food waste is sent to EarthPower, a facility which processes food wastes to produce green electricity and a nutrient-rich-by-product fertiliser. | YES |
Plastic shrink film | G4-EN23 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Printer cartridges | G4-EN23 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | This years data to Blackmores headquarters at Warriewood only. | YES |
Lamps/Lightglobes | G4-EN23 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Installed collection point for employees household lamp and lightglobe waste. | YES |
Batteries | G4-EN23 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Installed collection point for employees household battery waste. | YES |
Laptops | G4-EN23 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | This year we formed a relationship with Alice Springs School of the Air, donating over 40 laptops to support eductaion in remote locations. | YES |
MobileMuster | G4-EN23 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Installed collection point for employees household waste. | YES |
Total waste to landfill (per 1000 units of product sold) (metric tonnes) | G4-EN23 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | |
Total number of non-monetary sanctions for noncompliance with environental laws and regulations | G4-EN29 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | One letter referring to noise was sent to the Pittwater Council, Sydney, by a neighbour of our Warriewood Campus. | No |
Total number of substantiated complaints received concerning breaches of customer privacy; | G4-PR8 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | A breach in customer privacy occurred through a cyberattack on our systems. This was immediately identified and relevant authorities notified. | YES |
Complaints received from outside parties and substantiated by the organization | G4-PR8 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Complaints from regulatory bodies | G4-PR8 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Sustainable Supply Chain Management | ||||
Total production (packing) volume | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Warriewood Campus is Blackmores Group primary packing facility. | NO | |
Raw material Supply Chain Risk Assessment (% of top 10 ingredients) | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Our procurement and quality teams completed desktop research through a supply chain risk assessment on top 10 raw materials, of which we have now completed three field assessments. | No | |
Global Supply Chain Quality Audits completed | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Our approach to quality is global as such our quality team conduct audits across local and internatinal suppliers. | YES | |
Proportion of inventory spend on local suppliers at significant locations of operation (% inventory spend) | G4-EC9 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Inventory is defined as materials or services directly related to a finished good (not including merchandise). It excludes government duties or taxes. | YES |
Total partnerships that exist with third parties to protect or restore habitat areas distinct from where the organization has overseen and implemented restoration or protection measures. | G4-EN13 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Since Blackmores partnership with World Wild Fund in Nature (WWF) in 2012, considerable work has been done to protect the oceans and to ensure our fish oil is being sourced sustainably. We entered into a Fisheries Improvement Program for our Peruvian fishery which addresses the ecological issues the fishery faces and assists in achieving MSC certification. | No |
Quality assessment of new products developed (%) | G4-PR1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | All new products undergo a detailed quality and regulatory assessment. | YES |
Total occurances reported product related serious adverse events | G4-PR2 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | |
Total occurances substantiated product related serious adverse events | G4-PR2 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | In the reporting period, there was one reported incident where a consumer experienced an anaphylactic reaction to B12 Spray and was treated with steroids at hospital. | No |
Total number of products and services assessed for labelling compliance to regulation (%) | G4-PR3 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | |
Total number of products and services cancelled by medical regulator | G4-PR4 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | This metric refers to reporting Section 30s under the Therapeutic Goods Authority. | No |
Total number of products and services cancelled by comeptition regulator | G4-PR4 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | |
Total number of products banned from sale | G4-PR6 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | |
Total number of regulatory authority complaints upheld | G4-PR7 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | |
Total monetary value of regulatory authority fines for non compliance ($AUD) | G4-PR9 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | |
Industry Leadership | ||||
Total number of markets in which product or services are sold in | G4-EC1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | The markets in which our products or services are sold in is 16 countries. | NO |
Total revenue ($'000) | G4-EC1 | Annual Report. Page 64 | Total revenue includes recently aquired Global Therapeutics. | YES |
Total operating costs ($'000) | G4-EC1 | Annual Report, Page 64 | Total operating costs includes recently acquired Global Therapeutics however excludes employee wages and benefits which is reported seperately. | YES |
Total employee wages and benefits ($'000) | G4-EC1 | Annual Report. Page 64 | Total employee wages and benefits includes recently acquired Global Therapeutics. | YES |
Total payments to government (by country) ($'000) | G4-EC1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | This is based on cash payments made to governments. | YES |
Australia | G4-EC1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
New Zealand | G4-EC1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Singapore | G4-EC1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Malaysia | G4-EC1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Thailand | G4-EC1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Hong Kong | G4-EC1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Taiwan | G4-EC1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
South Korea | G4-EC1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
China | G4-EC1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Indonesia | G4-EC1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Indonesia is not a significant location of operation. | YES |
United Kingdom | G4-EC1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | While the UK is not a significant location of operations as above, we do have a business entitty established in that region. | YES |
Total Investments ($'000) | G4-EC1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Dividends paid to shareholders | G4-EC1 | Annual Report. Page 91 | YES | |
Interest payments | G4-EC1 | Annual Report. Page 91 | YES | |
Matched Donations Scheme ($'000) | G4-EC1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Blackmores supports a matched employee donations scheme and this supported 87 different charities. | YES |
Other Community Investment ($'000) | YES | |||
Total monetary value of financial assistance received by the organization from governments ($'000) | G4-EC4 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Australia | G4-EC4 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
New Zealand | G4-EC4 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Singapore | G4-EC4 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Malaysia | G4-EC4 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Thailand | G4-EC4 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Hong Kong | G4-EC4 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Taiwan | G4-EC4 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
South Korea | G4-EC4 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
China | G4-EC4 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | YES | |
Indonesia | G4-EC4 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Indonesia is not a significant location of operation. | YES |
United Kingdom | G4-EC4 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | While the UK is not a significant location of operations as above, we do have a business entitty established in that region. | YES |
Investment in Research | ||||
Total monetary value of financial assistance to Research Institutions ($'000) | G4-EC1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | This metric is based on cash payments made to research institutions as opposed to the total anticipated spend across the life of each project. | YES |
Relationships with Research Bodies | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Blackmores works in partnership to support a wide range of research bodies. | No | |
Touchpoints | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | In this context, touchpoints are considered as those relationships without formal commercial partnership arrangements. | No | |
Partnerships | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Relationships where formal commercial partnership arrangements exist. | No | |
Research Projects | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Blackmores works in partnership to support a wide range of research projects. | No | |
Number of Educational touchpoints with customers and consumers | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | In this context, touchpoints are considered as those relationships where Blackmores has facilitated educational sessions directly with customers or consumers | No | |
Number of Advisory Line touchpoints with customers and consumers | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | In this context, touchpoints are considered as those relationships where Blackmores has responded directly with customer or consumer enquiries. | No | |
Number of Touchpoints with external stakeholders through Digital Media (ea) | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | In this context, touchpoints are considered as those relationships Blackmores has through social media channels | No | |
Email/Newsletter | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | In this context, touchpoints are considered as those relationships Blackmores has through social media channels | No | |
Website | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | In this context, touchpoints are considered as those relationships Blackmores has through social media channels | No | |
Sustainability Report - Performance Data | In this context, touchpoints are considered as those relationships Blackmores has through social media channels. | No | ||
Sustainability Report - Performance Data | In this context, touchpoints are considered as those relationships Blackmores has through social media channels. | No | ||
Sustainability Report - Performance Data | In this context, touchpoints are considered as those relationships Blackmores has through social media channels | No | ||
Sustainability Report - Performance Data | In this context, touchpoints are considered as those relationships Blackmores has through social media channels. | No | ||
Total number of operations assessed for risks related to corruption (%) | G4-SO3 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | |
Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures | G4-SO4 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Code of Conduct supplied to all new employees on commencement of employment and available to all other staff. | YES |
Total number and nature of confirmed incidents of corruption | G4-SO5 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | |
Total monetary value of financial political contributions made ($) | G4-SO6 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Several donations to the Australian Liberal Party, Australia occurred during the reporting period. This disclosure is taken from the AEC Declaration lodged Nov-2015. | No |
Total number of legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices | G4-SO7 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | |
People & Community | ||||
Total Workforce (ea) | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
Total Workforce by Age Group (%) | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
<30 years of age | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
30 - 49 years of age | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
>50 years of age | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
Workforce by Region (ea) | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
AUS/NZ | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data Annual Report | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
ASIA | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data Annual Report | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
Workforce by Gender (ea) | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
Male | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
Female | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
Workforce Gender Ratio | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
New Employee Hires (ea) | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
New Employee Hire Rate (%) | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
New Employee Hires by Region | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
AUS/NZ | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
ASIA | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
New Employee Hires by Gender | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
Male | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
Female | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
New Employee Hires by Age Bracket | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data referes to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
<30 years of age | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
30 - 49 years of age | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
>50 years of age | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
Employee Turnover (%)* | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
AUS/NZ | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | The turnover rate is based on 6month data which has been extrapolated over 12 months due to the implementaton of our new HRM system. Next year we will disclsoe full 12 month data. | YES |
ASIA | G4-LA1 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | The turnover rate is based on 6 month data which has been extrapolated over 12 months due to the implementaton of our new HRM system. Next year we will disclose full 12 month data. | YES |
Number of employees taking parental leave, by gender | G4-LA3 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
Male | G4-LA3 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data referes to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
Female | G4-LA3 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data referes to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
Parental leave, Return to Work Rate (%) | G4-LA3 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Blackmores believes Parental Leave Policy is underpinned by minimum Federal legislative requirements outlined in the Fair Work Act and the Blackmores Enterprise Agreement - Working Together. Data referes to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
Male | G4-LA3 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data refers to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
Female | G4-LA3 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Data referes to permanent full-time/part-time employees It does not include JVs, casuals or fixed term contractors. | YES |
Terminated Employment | G4-LA3 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Staff who decided to terminate employement following parental leave. | YES |
Ongoing | G4-LA3 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Staff who remained on parental leave beyond the end of this reporting period for sustainability. | YES |
Employees who received a regular performance review (%) | G4-LA11 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | All staff undertake regular performance reviews. Staff have an opportunity to participate in career development which is voluntary. | No |
Average training hours per employee (hours) | G4-LA9 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Training consists of both compulsory and optional training modules | No |
Total workforce represented in formal joint management-worker health and safety committee (%) | G4-LA5 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | We value the health and safety of our workers and take a collaborative approach to identifying risks and hazards, implementing safe work practices and in reporting incidents in a concise and timely manner. | No |
Levels of formal joint management-worker health and safety committees | G4-LA5 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Blackmores has multi-facility Work Health & Safety Commitees in place as well as regional and group reporting. | No |
Recordable Injury, by type | G4-LA6 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | For this year we are not including lost time injuries or absenteeism. | YES |
Fatalities | G4-LA6 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Blackmores operations and activities are deemed 'low risk' in relation to occupational diseases. For this year we are not including lost time injuries or absenteeism. | YES |
Injuries with permanent impairment | G4-LA6 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | For this year we are not including lost time injuries or absenteeism. | YES |
Injuries with long term impairment | G4-LA6 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | There were two recordable injuries in this period of which one was a fractured bone following a fall and the other was a long term strain. Treatment went beyond six months for both injuries. For this year we are not including lost time injuries or absenteeism. | YES |
Injuries with short term impairment | G4-LA6 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | Short-term impairment is an injury that existed for less than six months. For this year we are not including lost time injuries or absenteeism. | YES |
Recordable Injury, by gender | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | For this year we are not including lost time injuries or absenteeism. | YES | |
Male | G4-LA6 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | For this year we are not including lost time injuries or absenteeism. | YES |
Female | G4-LA6 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | For this year we are not including lost time injuries or absenteeism. | YES |
Injury Rate (%) | G4-LA6 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | For this year we are not including lost time injuries or absenteeism. | YES |
Community Day | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | ||
Number of Charities, NGOs or local government bodies represented | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | ||
Number of Employees who volunteered | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | ||
Number of local community attendees | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | ||
Blackmores Sydney Running Festival | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | ||
Number of participants | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | ||
Number of Employees who participated | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | ||
Number of Employees who volunteered | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No | ||
Disclosed in body of sustainability report | G4-17 to G4-23 | Sustainability Report - Performance Data | No |