Responsible Facilities Management | Boundary | GRI-G4 Reference | FY16 |
Units of product sold1. | Global | 45,384,288 | |
Number of significant locations of operations2. | Global | G4-6 | 8.00 |
FOOTNOTES: 1. Units of product sold does not include Global Therapeutics. 2. 'Significant locations of operation' include Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Thailand, Korea, China. Malaysia, Singapore |
Responsible Facilities Management | Boundary | GRI-G4 Reference | FY16 |
Onsite municipal water supply withdrawal (KL) | Warriewood | G4-EN8 | 15,714 |
Total onsite water withdrawal (KL per 1000 units of product sold) | Warriewood | G4-EN8 | 0.35 |
Responsible Facilities Management | Boundary | GRI-G4 Reference | FY16 | |
Onsite energy consumption (GJ) | Warriewood | G4-EN3 | 18,716 | |
Onsite energy consumption by type (GJ) | ||||
Electricity from Trigeneration3. | Warriewood | G4-EN3 | 4,811 | |
Electricity from Grid | Warriewood | G4-EN3 | 7,505 | |
Sales Fleet/Transport | Warriewood | G4-EN3 | 2,020 | |
Onsite chilled water energy consumption (GJ) | Warriewood | G4-EN3 | 2,360 | |
Onsite hot water energy consumption (GJ) | Warriewood | G4-EN3 | 2,020 | |
Onsite fuel consumption from non-renewables by type (KL)4. | Warriewood | G4-EN3 | 52.73 | |
Post 2004 Diesel (KL) | Warriewood | G4-EN3 | 49.31 | |
Post 2004 Gasoline (KL) | Warriewood | G4-EN3 | 3.42 | |
Total onsite energy consumption (GJ per 1000 units of product sold) | Warriewood | G4-EN5 | 0.41 | |
FOOTNOTES: 3. Excludes energy consumpiton from hot water boiler for this year. The objective is to scope in FY17. 4. This includes leased vehicles and contracted third party. |
Responsible Facilities Management | Boundary | GRI-G4 Reference | FY16 |
Direct GHG Emissions (tCO2-e/yr) (scope 1) | Warriewood | G4-EN15 | 218.70 |
Direct GHG Emissions (per 1000 units of product sold) (scope 1) | Warriewood | G4-EN15 | 0.005 |
Indirect GHG Emissions (tCO2-e/yr) (scope 2)5. | Warriewood | G4-EN16 | 2,873.7 |
Indirect GHG Emissions (per 1000 units of product sold) (scope 2)5. | Warriewood | G4-EN16 | 0.061 |
FOOTNOTES. 5. This does not include scope 2 emisions from natural gas fired hot water boiler, as well as waste heat used for onsite hot water or chilled water. Our objective is to move to full disclosure next year. |
Responsible Facilities Management | Boundary | GRI-G4 Reference | FY16 | |
Total volume of water discharge (KL)6. | Warriewood | G4-EN22 | 14,617 | |
Total water discharge to sewage (KL) | Warriewood | G4-EN22 | 14,617 | |
Total water discharge (KL per 1000 units of product sold) | Warriewood | G4-EN22 | 0.32 | |
Total waste generated for disposal (metric tonnes)7. | Warriewood | G4-EN23 | 904.50 | |
Total waste generated for disposal (per 1000 units of product sold) (metric tonnes) | Warriewood | G4-EN23 | 0.02 | |
Total waste for disposal to landfill (metric tonnes)8. | Warriewood | G4-EN23 | 266.30 | |
Total waste diverted (recycled or recovered) by type (metric tonnes) | Warriewood | G4-EN23 | 638.20 | |
Cardboard/Paper | Warriewood | G4-EN23 | 536.82 | |
Commingled9. | Warriewood | G4-EN23 | 15.10 | |
Compost10. | Warriewood | G4-EN23 | 7.66 | |
Plastic shrink film | Warriewood | G4-EN23 | 78.33 | |
Printer cartridges | Warriewood | G4-EN23 | 0.17 | |
Lamps/Lightglobes11. | Warriewood | G4-EN23 | 0.01 | |
Batteries11. | Warriewood | G4-EN23 | 0.03 | |
Laptops12. | Warriewood | G4-EN23 | 0.09 | |
MobileMuster11. | Warriewood | G4-EN23 | 0.02 | |
Total waste to landfill (per 1000 units of product sold) (metric tonnes) | Warriewood | G4-EN23 | 0.01 | |
FOOTNOTES: 6. Unable to meaure beyond sewage. 7. Our new waste management plan was implemented Aug/Sept. 8. 101 metric tonnes was diverted to best practice landfill. 9.Commingled includes glass, plastics and some metals. 10. Sent to EarthPower. 11. Program to support the collection of our staffs' household waste. 12. Laptops reconditioned prior to donation to Australiam remote education. |
Responsible Facilities Management | Boundary | GRI-G4 Reference | FY16 |
Total number of non-monetary sanctions for noncompliance with environmental laws and regulations13. | Global | G4-EN29 | 1 |
FOOTNOTE: 13. Noise related concern addressed at local council. |
Responsible Facilities Management | Boundary | GRI-G4 Reference | FY16 | |
Total number of substantiated complaints received concerning breaches of customer privacy; | Global | G4-PR8 | 1 | |
Complaints received from outside parties and substantiated by the organization | Global | G4-PR8 | 1 | |
Complaints from regulatory bodies | Global | G4-PR8 | 0 |
Sustainable Supply Chain Management | Boundary | GRI-G4 Reference | FY16 |
Total production (packing) volume14. | Warriewood | 32,749,225 | |
Raw material Supply Chain Risk Assessment (% of top 10 ingredients)15. | Global | 100% | |
FOOTNOTES: 14. Blackmores Group primary packing facility. 15. Desktop supply chain assessment conducted on top 10 identified raw materials. Three of which have now had a full field assessment completed. |
Sustainable Supply Chain Management | Boundary | GRI-G4 Reference | FY16 |
Global Supply Chain Quality Audits completed | Global | 22 | |
Proportion of inventory spend on local suppliers at significant locations of operation (% inventory spend)16. | Global | G4-EC9 | 54% |
Total partnerships that exist with third parties to protect or restore habitat areas distinct from where the organization has overseen and implemented restoration or protection measures. | Global | G4-EN13 | 2 |
FOOTNOTE: 16. Materials or services directly related to a product. |
Sustainable Supply Chain Management | Boundary | GRI-G4 Reference | FY16 |
Quality assessment of new products developed (%) | Global | G4-PR1 | 100% |
Total occurances reported product related serious adverse events | Global | G4-PR2 | 3 |
Total occurances substantiated product related serious adverse events17. | Global | G4-PR2 | 1 |
Total number of products and services assessed for labelling compliance to regulation (%) | Global | G4-PR3 | 100% |
Total number of products and services cancelled by medical regulator18. | Global | G4-PR4 | 0 |
Total number of products and services cancelled by comeptition regulator | Global | G4-PR4 | 0 |
Total number of products banned from sale | Global | G4-PR6 | 0 |
Total number of regulatory authority complaints upheld | Global | G4-PR7 | 0 |
Total monetary value of regulatory authority fines for non compliance ($AUD) | Global | G4-PR9 | 0 |
FOOTNOTE: 17. An allergic reaction where consumer received medical treatment. 18. This is in reference to TGA. |
Industry Leadership | Boundary | GRI-G4 Reference | FY16 | |
Total number of markets in which product or services are sold in | Global | G4-EC1 | 17 | |
Total revenue ($'000)19. | Global | G4-EC1 | $599,988 | |
Total operating costs ($'000)19. | Global | G4-EC1 | $319,331 | |
Total employee wages and benefits ($'000)19. | Global | G4-EC1 | $134,933 | |
Total payments to government (by country) ($'000)20. | Global | G4-EC1 | $62,612 | |
Australia | Global | G4-EC1 | $51,430 | |
New Zealand | Global | G4-EC1 | $482 | |
Singapore | Global | G4-EC1 | $970 | |
Malaysia | Global | G4-EC1 | $1,731 | |
Thailand | Global | G4-EC1 | $2,537 | |
Hong Kong21. | Global | G4-EC1 | $45 | |
Taiwan | Global | G4-EC1 | $229 | |
South Korea | Global | G4-EC1 | $1,969 | |
China | Global | G4-EC1 | $3,175 | |
Indonesia21. | Global | G4-EC1 | $12 | |
United Kingdom21. | Global | G4-EC1 | $32 | |
Total Investments ($'000)20. | Global | G4-EC1 | $59,976 | |
Dividends paid to shareholders19. | Global | G4-EC1 | $57,704 | |
Interest payments19. | Global | G4-EC1 | $2,272 | |
Matched Donations Scheme ($'000)22. | Warriewood | G4-EC1 | $189 | |
Other Community Investment ($'000) | Global | G4-EC1 | $868 | |
Total monetary value of financial assistance received by the organization from governments ($'000) | Global | G4-EC4 | $948 | |
Australia | Global | G4-EC4 | $946 | |
New Zealand | Global | G4-EC4 | $- | |
Singapore | Global | G4-EC4 | $- | |
Malaysia | Global | G4-EC4 | $- | |
Thailand | Global | G4-EC4 | $- | |
Hong Kong21. | Global | G4-EC4 | $- | |
Taiwand | Global | G4-EC4 | $- | |
South Korea | Global | G4-EC4 | $- | |
China | Global | G4-EC4 | $- | |
Indonesia21. | Global | G4-EC4 | $2 | |
United Kingdom21. | Global | G4-EC4 | $- | |
FOOTNOTES: 19. Includes Global Therapeutics. 20. Cash Payment. 21. UK, Indonesia and Hong Kong are not a significant location of operation. 22. Matched donatons scheme supporting employee voluntary donations. |
Industry Leadership | Boundary | GRI-G4 Reference | FY16 | |
Total monetary value of financial assistance to research institutions ($'000) | Global | G4-EC1 | $589 | |
Relationships with research bodies | Global | |||
Touchpoints23. | Global | 24 | ||
Partnerships24. | Global | 7 | ||
Research Projects | Global | 24 | ||
Number of educational touchpoints with customers and consumers25. | Global | 447,816 | ||
Number of advisory Line touchpoints with customers and consumers26. | Global | 47,951 | ||
Number of touchpoints with external stakeholders through digital media | Global | 1,054,993 | ||
Email/Newsletter | Global | 234,881 | ||
Website | Global | 616,978 | ||
Global | 16,545 | |||
Global | 159,314 | |||
Global | 19,041 | |||
Global | 8,234 | |||
FOOTNOTES: 23. Number of research bodies in which Blackmores has a relationship. 24. Number of research bodies in which Blackmores has a commercial partnership. 25. Number of participants in Blackmores educational sessions. 26. Number of phone calls to the Blackmores advisory team relating to product or conditions. |
Industry Leadership | Boundary | GRI-G4 Reference | FY16 |
Total number of operations assessed for risks related to corruption (%) | Global | G4-SO3 | 100% |
Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures | Global | G4-SO4 | Refer to commentary within report. |
Total number and nature of confirmed incidents of corruption | Global | G4-SO5 | 0 |
Total monetary value of financial political contributions made ($) | Global | G4-SO6 | $25,200 |
Total number of legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices | Global | G4-SO7 | 0 |
People & Community | Boundary | GRI-G4 Reference | ||
Total Workforce27. | Global | G4-LA1 | 843 | |
Total Workforce by age group | ||||
<30 years of age27. | Global | G4-LA1 | 125 | |
30 - 49 years of age27. | Global | G4-LA1 | 574 | |
>50 years of age27. | Global | G4-LA1 | 144 | |
Workforce by Region | ||||
AUS/NZ27. | Global | G4-LA1 | 578 | |
ASIA27. | Global | G4-LA1 | 265 | |
Workforce by Gender | ||||
Male27. | Global | G4-LA1 | 240 | |
Female27. | Global | G4-LA1 | 603 | |
Workforce Gender Ratio (male:female) | Global | G4-LA1 | 29:71 | |
New employee hires25. | Global | G4-LA1 | 91 | |
New Employee Hire Rate (%) | Global | G4-LA1 | 11% | |
New employee hires by region27. | ||||
AUS/NZ27. | Global | G4-LA1 | 62 | |
ASIA27. | Global | G4-LA1 | 29 | |
New employee hires by gender27. | ||||
Male27. | Global | G4-LA1 | 34 | |
Female27. | Global | G4-LA1 | 57 | |
New employee hires by age bracket27. | ||||
<30 years of age27. | Global | G4-LA1 | 27 | |
30 - 49 years of age27. | Global | G4-LA1 | 57 | |
>50 years of age27. | Global | G4-LA1 | 7 | |
Employee Turnover (%) | ||||
AUS/NZ28. | Global | G4-LA1 | 5.9% | |
ASIA28. | Global | G4-LA1 | 7.3% | |
Total number of Employees under Enterprise Agreement | Global | G4-LA2 | 69.0% | |
Number of employees taking parental leave, by gender | Australia | G4-LA3 | 34 | |
Male | Australia | G4-LA3 | 4 | |
Female | Australia | G4-LA3 | 30 | |
Parental leave, Return to Work Rate (%) | Australia | G4-LA3 | 88% | |
Number of employees who returned to work after parental leave ended, by gender | 34 | |||
Male | Australia | G4-LA3 | 4 | |
Female | Australia | G4-LA3 | 11 | |
Terminated Employment | Australia | G4-LA3 | 2 | |
Ongoing29. | Australia | G4-LA3 | 17 | |
Employees who received a regular performance review (%) | Global | G4-LA11 | 100% | |
Average training hours per employee (hours)30. | Australia | G4-LA9 | 12.53 | |
FOOTNOTES: 27. PPermanent full-time and part-time employee headcount is based on six month data due to new human resources management system. Does not include Global Therapeutics or JVs. 28. The turnover is based on a 6 month data which has been extrapolated over 12 months. 29. Employees who remain on parental leave beyond 30/06/2016 end of reporting period. 30. Permanent full-time and part-time employees only. |
People & Community | Boundary | GRI-G4 Reference | ||
Total workforce represented in formal joint management-worker health and safety committee (%) | Global | G4-LA5 | 100% | |
Levels of formal joint management-worker health and safety committees31. | Global | G4-LA5 | ||
Recordable Injury, by type32. | ||||
Fatalities | Warriewood | G4-LA6 | 0 | |
Injuries with permanent impairment | Warriewood | G4-LA6 | 0 | |
Injuries with long term impairment33 | Warriewood | G4-LA6 | 2 | |
Injuries with short term impairment34. | Warriewood | G4-LA6 | 8 | |
Recordable Injury, by gender | ||||
Male | Warriewood | G4-LA6 | 5 | |
Female | Warriewood | G4-LA6 | 5 | |
Recordable Injury Rate (%)35. | Australia | G4-LA6 | 1.01% | |
FOOTNOTES: 31. Please refer to GRI Index for commentary. 32. Please refer to GRI Index for commentary on Occupational Diseases. For this year we are not including lost time injuries or abstenism. 33. Long term temporary impairment greater than six months. 34. Short term impairment less than six months. 35. Based on 100,000 standard work hours. Permanent full-time and part-time employees only. Excludes overtime. |
People & Community | Boundary | GRI-G4 Reference | ||
Community Day | Warriewood | |||
Number of charities, NGOs or local government bodies represented | Warriewood | 22 | ||
Number of employees who volunteered | Warriewood | 75 | ||
Number of local community attendees | Warriewood | 4000 | ||
Blackmores Sydney Running Festival | Australia | |||
Number of participants | Australia | 32000 | ||
Number of employees, family and friends who participated | Australia | 1000 | ||
Number of employees who volunteered | Australia | 30 |
People & Community | Boundary | GRI-G4 Reference |
Disclosed in body of sustainability report | Global | G4 - 24, 25, 26, 27 |