Responsible Facilities

To reduce the environmental intensity and carbon footprint of our facilities and operations.


Time saved on one activity as a result of improved efficiencies


Of waste diverted from landfill


Environmental Management System developed


Organic food waste used for green electricity

Australia Recycling Label
Planet Ark

In the past 12 months Blackmores has boosted our operations significantly to meet demand following unprecedented growth. This challenged our existing initiatives to reduce the environmental impact and the carbon footprint of our facilities and operations.

We have met these challenges with new initiatives, programs and processes to better manage our waste, recycling and energy consumption at our Blackmores Campus at Warriewood.

Blackmores’ comprehensive waste implementation plan was rolled out in 2015 to increase our capabilities in handling waste streams and to introduce new recovery streams and processes.

Waste stream changes introduced and improved

  • General waste – best practice landfill which uses bioreactor to generate green electricity
  • Comingled – Material Recovery Facility (MRF)
  • Cardboard – Crushed and sold on
  • Plastic Wrap – balled and sold on
  • Organic Food Waste – Diverted to EarthPower and converted to green electricity.

Only 29% of our waste sent to landfill; with our diversion rate now up to 71%.

Our closed loop packaging process was introduced to enable the delivery of primary packaging components to be bulk delivered on returnable pallets and layer pads. The 2015/2016 results on inwards goods waste due to this process have resulted in substantial avoidance of cardboard/paper, plastic wrap and packing tape waste. The process has also improved efficiencies while reducing the potential for repetitive injuries. One activity saw the reduction in an activity reduce from 120 seconds to 20 seconds.

Our materiality assessment has highlighted five focus areas to meet our sustainability targets; (our aim); how we can achieve this goal (actions); and our status in implementing these actions (progress).


Through localised management of water, waste water and storm water to improve water efficiency and sustainability across our operations.
Investigate repurposing on-site water through a water treatment plant.
Employee engagement and communications to raise awareness of water conservation.
Engage with suppliers to implement action plans to save water in our upstream supply chain.
Syphonic irrigation collects rainwater from our roof and diverts 660,000 litres to rainwater tanks which is then redistributed for landscaping use.


Our five-year energy program will focus on implementing strategies to increase energy efficiencies and adopting green energy solutions across our operations to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.
Investigate and continue to monitor and drive energy efficiencies through our on-site tri-generation energy plant.Gas fired tri-generation energy plant installed at Warriewood runs parallel to the grid providing most of the buildings energy, cooling and heating needs.

Set up of automatic reporting from our Business Management Systems:
• Informing us of fail points in the energy, heating and cooling systems.
• Measuring energy consumption out of business hours.
Investigate the recommendations from the energy efficiencies audit to implement:
• LED lighting within Warriewood Campus.
• Renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics.
• Reflective paint or heat reduction coating on rooftop.
• Efficiencies in air handling units.
• Automatic cleaning systems within electric chiller.
Completed on-site energy efficiencies audit and currently considering recommendations.
Further integration of collection of metrics into energy management decisions.Monitoring monthly billing of energy consumption.
Implementation of group-wide Environmental Management System (EMS)Roll out of EMS has commenced at Warriewood. Once completed it will be extended to include our global operations.


Sound waste management practices will minimise our environmental footprint. The more we reduce, reuse, recycle and recover the greater the cost savings in materials, energy, transport and disposal.
Develop an understanding of our on-site waste by type and volume through completing a waste benchmarking exercise and implementing a waste management plan.Implemented new recovery streams including the collection of all our organic food waste which is converted into a green electricity source.

All staff working onsite were educated in the new process through a comprehensive internal communications plan.

Implemented monthly reporting on all waste generated on-site.

Established collection points for employee’s privately generated used batteries, mobile phones and light globes.

Roll out waste management plan to Blackmores sites nationally.Preliminary meetings held to establish status and understanding of waste management systems at other sites.
Make further improvements to reduce our waste footprint.Continue to monitor through monthly reporting.
Include on-site waste reduction program as part of staff induction program.To be reviewed with human resources team.


Limiting climate change through responsible resource management and environmental compliance with government regulations in the markets in which we operate.
Undertake a national and global carbon footprint to understand our greenhouse gas emissions from our operations.Study of emissions report for Warriewood Campus completed. Study of Australian footprint underway. Extend to global footprint in FY17.
Develop relationships with government bodies to help guide us through the development of our sustainability approach to ensure that it is compliant and best practice.We obtained a grant from the New South Wales (NSW) Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) to conduct an energy efficiencies audit. The information from this audit helped us understand our current energy status and identify appropriate actions to manage our energy in a more sustainable manner.

Blackmores became a member of the NSW OEH Sustainability Advantage program network to help guide us through the development of our sustainability approach.
Achieve industry endorsement of sustainability practices.Founding signatory of the Australian Packaging Covenant, winning a High Achiever award in the medium pharmacy and personal care category three years running.
One of the first two companies to have adopted the Planet Ark Australian Recycling Label initiative which clearly illustrates to consumers how our packaging can be recycled.
Ongoing adoption of logo on packaging.
Take a leadership approach to help local businesses understand and adopt sustainability practices.Presentation highlighting our sustainability achievements, specifically the Closed Loop packaging process and how we empower our staff to get involved in sustainability measures, to local businesses through local council ‘Power to Save’ event.


As a consumer centric company we have a duty to protect our consumers and the information we collect by complying with local laws, implementing robust systems and being ethical.
Improve the robustness and security of our IT systems across all company operations and locations.Currently developing an IT strategy to strengthen our IT infrastructure.

We have a process in place to receive and handle formal complaints about breaches in customer privacy and information.

Employed a Head of Compliance to continue to develop a global compliance program covering codes of conduct, consumer and competition law as well as data protection.


Supply Chain Management

To encourage, support and facilitate an environmentally and socially responsible approach to the supply chain management and product accountability and transparency.

Volume of units produced at Warriewood our primary facility

Suppliers from 10 Countries at our annual supplier conference

Year – High Achiever for sustainable packaging

WWF partnership

Blackmores sources its materials from around the world and supporting our suppliers is vital to the ongoing success of our business.  Understanding, managing and sharing knowledge with these suppliers in their sustainability practice to reduce their environmental footprint, act in an ethical and responsible manner; and support their local communities is an imperative for our company. Our overview enables us to understand, identify and mitigate the risks in our supply chain.

Blackmores Supplier Conference

We strive to partner with our suppliers and involve them in our business as much as possible. At our annual Blackmores Supplier Conference more than 55 suppliers from ten countries attended. We used the conference as an opportunity to provide clarity around our business strategic goals and differentiators. Sustainability was a focus with an award given for achieving excellence in sustainability practice.

Supply Chain Management

We have an extensive network of suppliers across the globe and our goal is to manage our supply chain in a transparent and sustainable manner.


Inventory spend by region


WWF Partnership

Product Stewardship has seen us partner with several leading organisations including the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and Antarctic Wildlife Research Fund (AWR).

Since Blackmores launched our partnership with WWF in 2012, considerable work has been done to protect the oceans and to ensure marine oils are being sourced sustainably. We entered into a Fisheries Improvement Program for our Peruvian fishery which addresses the ecological issues the fishery faces and assists in achieving MSC certification.

We work with AWR to raise funds for research on the Antarctic ecosystem and wildlife.

Quality Products and Services

The high quality of our products and services is of fundamental importance to Blackmores.

  • Our products are manufactured to Blackmores’ high quality standards. We build Quality into every batch.
  • Every product we sell has passed a rigorous process to check and test for Quality.
  • All of Blackmores Therapeutic products are manufactured to an international medicine standard enforced by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Partnering with Government and Industry

A high level of compliance with medical, regulatory and industry authorities has been achieved.

We proactively engage with government and regulatory authorities to optimise outcomes for our industry and business. To this end we are founding signatory of the Australian Packaging Covenant (APC), a government, industry and community initiative to find more sustainable packing solutions. For the third year we have received a High Achiever accolade from the APC acknowledging our efforts.

Our materiality assessment has highlighted three areas we need to focus on to meet our sustainable supply chain goal. For each issue we have identified our commitment, how we can achieve this goal (actions) and our status in implementing these actions (progress).


Blackmores will continue to encourage its suppliers to reduce their environmental footprint, act in an ethical and responsible manner; and support their local communities.
Actions/strategies Progress
Gain a better understanding of our suppliers’ sustainability practices to assess the likelihood and mitigation of our risks in the supply chain in real time.A preliminary questionnaire was sent to some of our suppliers asking them about their sustainability practices. The responses were reviewed and the questionnaire refined. A follow up questionnaire is planned for distribution to all of our suppliers.
Aim to reduce risk by always knowing the status of our supply chains.Investigating software to help us easily access, update and share due diligence information on our supply chain.
Partner suppliers that are aligned with our sustainability goals. Hold supplier business performance meetings to enable regular updates and exchange of supply chain opportunities and risks.
Guide suppliers and recognise their achievements in sustainability. Drafted a supplier code of conduct and once finalised this will be launched with our suppliers.
55 suppliers from ten countries attended the annual Blackmores supplier conference. An award was given to one of our suppliers recognising their excellence in sustainability.


Quality underpins all Blackmores products and services.
Ongoing focus on the quality of all our products and services.Blackmores is continuously improving and enhancing our quality management system.
Blackmores products are manufactured to an international medicine standard enforced by the Australian regulator, the TGA.

Every Blackmores product goes through at least 30 checks and tests to ensure integrity and quality.

Visited over 30 manufacturing facilities and quality audited 22 new suppliers across our global supply chain.

In total the Blackmores Advisory service responded to 47,951 general health, and wellbeing enquiries.
Compliance with all relevant medical, labelling and competition regulators.Total number of products and services cancelled by medical regulator - 0

Total number of products banned from sale – 0

Total number of regulatory authority complaints upheld – 0

Total monetary value of regulatory authority fines for non-compliance - 0


Our aim is to do more with fewer resources and less waste to help preserve our natural environment.
A focus on product and packaging stewardship to minimise environmental impact.To assess against sustainability guidelines.

The sustainable packaging guidelines from the Australian Packaging Covenant (APC) provides Blackmores the ability to review and optimise our consumer packaging to making efficient use of resources and reduce our environmental impact without comprising product safety and quality.
Identify key ingredients which pose a risk to the business based on access and availability, financial impact and volume perspective.Completed risk workshops and have developed a matrix of key ingredients
Desktop assessment of these ingredients completed and the basis for ongoing review.
Partnerships with third parties to protect or restore habitat areas.WWF Partnerships and MSC Certification – ensure fish oil is sourced sustainably.
AWR – research on the Antarctic ecosystem and wildlife.



To be a leader in natural health through innovation, research and education

Group sales increase

Increase in Net Profit After Tax

#1 Vitamins & Supplements brand in Australia

447, 816 touchpoints educating our consumers & customers

24 research projects including clinical trials

5 Research Symposia 1400 attendees

Chair of Australia ASEAN Council

Our business performance has been strong in the last financial year meeting our objectives to:

  • Grow our business profitability;
  • Deliver shareholder returns;
  • Maintain our leadership as the brand of choice for consumers and healthcare professionals, employer of choice; and
  • Deliver on being Asia-Pacific’s authority in natural health.
We have delivered on our business objectives by focussing on our four strategic priorities:

01 Consumer Centricity

  • Blackmores #1 vitamin and supplement brand and Group in Australia and number one brand in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong.
  • Most Trusted Brand in Australia, 8 years running.
  • Integrated campaigns that have resulted in a step change in brand health metrics.
  • Opened a flagship store at Bondi – the Blackmores Wellness Centre.
  • Opened Blackmores duty free pop-up stores at Sydney, Melbourne, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Gold Coast airports.
  • New operating model in New Zealand with Blackmores sales team.
  • Hosted corporate wellness programs in leading organisations attracting more than 3,000 attendees.
  • Increased number of qualified naturopaths in pharmacies and health food stores to provide advice to consumers.
  • The iconic Blackmores Sydney Running Festival attracted more than 32,000 participants and achieved IAAF Marathon Gold Label Road Race status.

02 Asia Growth

  • Asian consumers represent approximately 50% of Group sales and shows strong desire for the Blackmores brand.
  • China now influences 40% of Group sales and our business is still growing.
  • Invested in Thailand with more than 50 new in-store product advisors.
  • Announced joint venture with Kalbe Farma to facilitate entry into the Indonesian market.
  • Blackmores regional headquarters in Singapore commenced operations enabling improved decision making and customer management in Asia.
  • Hosted events for our shareholders on ‘Doing Business in China’ to assist with understanding of this complex market in Sydney, Melbourne and Shanghai.
  • CEO appointed Chair of Australia-ASEAN Council.

03 Product Leadership

  • 117 new products launched across the Group.
  • Explored partnerships in medicinal cannabis through BioCeuticals.
  • BioCeuticals launched in the US, the largest practitioner market in the world, through a leading distributor.
  • BioCeuticals FX Medicine podcasts downloaded more than 65,000 times in 40 countries with a number three ranking on iTunes.
  • Launch of BioCeuticals Liposomals range was a market first.
  • Blackmores Institute provided 25,000 healthcare professionals with accredited training across the Group in  the last year. 447,816 education touchpoints across the Group.
  • Developed and delivered an accredited course in evidence-based complementary medicine partnering with Griffith University.
  • 24 research projects including clinical trials underway across the Blackmores Group.
  • Successful publication of clinical trial using Blackmores Insolar®.
  • Blackmores Institute expanded presence in Asia & NZ. Launched medicinal foods, including infant formula, in partnership with Bega.
  • Acquisition of Global Therapeutics – leading Chinese herbal medicine brand in Australia and supporting growing consumer interest in Chinese medicine.
  • Grass roots approach to training with thousands participating in local training hubs in key markets.

04 Operational Effectiveness

  • Doubled our capacity to overcome supply challenges.
  • Doubled production output to meet growth and invested further in automation and staff.
  • Slow moving and obsolete stock at a 10 year low.
  • Progressed directed sourcing of scarce and key ingredients. Extended our supplier base including stronger supplier partnerships.
  • Secured dual manufacturing supply of core products with partners in trusted markets including Germany and Canada.
  • New efficiency-driving technology installed including robotics and multi-head counters. Hosted supplier quality awards.
  • Expanded our warehousing footprint.
  • Invested in 186 new roles across the Group including the addition of a night shift and new front-line health advisory roles.
  • Increased investment in staff training.



Blackmores remained the #1 vitamin and supplement brand and Group in Australia, and the number one brand in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong .

Every Blackmores’ employee has been rewarded with 44 extra days pay in the company’s long-standing profit share scheme. The business achieved outstanding employee engagement scores and a 100% vote for BioCeuticals staff to adopt the Blackmores Enterprise Agreement.

We have diversified our business entering new markets and categories, launching an infant nutrition range with Bega and acquiring Global Therapeutics – an Australian company specialising in a Chinese herbal medicine.

Our leadership and reputation in Asia was showcased with the appointment of CEO Christine Holgate as the Chair of Australian ASEAN Council by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, which is responsible for developing trade and cultural relations with all 10-member states.

Blackmores winning commitment to delivering high quality innovative products and services underpinned by sustainable business growth and strong leadership was recognised by more than 35 awards across Asia-Pacific in 2016.


Most Trusted Brand Australia
Most Trusted Brand NZ (Highly Commended)
Most Trusted Brand (Malaysia)
Most Trusted Brand (Singapore)
Superbrands Award (Malaysia)
Superbrands (Singapore)
Superbrands (Thailand)
VIP.com Most Popular Brand (China)
CanStar Blue (Australia)
Brand Laureate Best Choice award 2015-2016 under the Nutritional Supplement category (Malaysia)
MIA-2016 Top SKU Award (Vitamin E Cream) (China)
Watson’s Health Wellness & Beauty Award (Thailand)
InStyle Magazine’s Reader’s Best Pick (BKL Fish Oil 1000) (Thailand)
NZSMI Award for best integrative marketing campaign – Kids Gummies
ABA Product Excellence (PawDerm technology)
Australian Customer Service Awards (Silver) (BioCeuticals)
Natural Food Awards – Best Superfood – IsoWhey Wholefoods Superfood Sprinkle
PopSugar – Best Sports Product – IsoWhey Sports Electrolyte Formula
PopSugar – Best Protein Balls – IsoWhey Wholefoods Protein Balls
Australian Packaging Design Awards – Gold Award – Health & Beauty (IsoWhey)
iAB award (Digital)

Industry Growth & Export

Australian Packaging Covenant – High Achiever
Premier’s NSW Export Awards – Healthcare & BioTechnology – Blackmores
Australian Export Award – Healthcare & BioTechnology – Blackmores (53rd |2015)
JD.com – The Best Growth Award
Australian Growth Company Awards: Australian Growth Company of the Year (Health & Life Sciences) – Blackmores
Hong Kong Business Excellence Award
AusCham Australia China Business Award

Winning Leadership & Employee of Choice

AON Hewitt Employer of Choice (finalist)
ABA Employer of Choice (PAW)
Rotary Foundation – Paul Harris Fellows (Nathan Cheong & Cecile Cooper)
Australian Growth Company Awards: Women in Leadership Award – Christine Holgate
CEO Magazine Award – CEO of the Year – Christine Holgate

Risk Management

We have developed and integrated a company-wide risk management framework to manage risks across all aspects of our business operations. This provides a constant and systematic view of our exposures.

Through this risk assessment we have identified potential risks and challenges facing our business.

For further information on our risk management framework and how we intend to manage these risks refer to the Operating and Financial Review section of our Annual Report .

We are continuing our training and communication on anti-corruption policies and procedures.

Investment in Research

Investment in research, education and scholarly activities underpins the quality use of complementary medicines and enhances health outcomes for the community. Led by our research and education arm, Blackmores Institute, and BioCeuticals, our practitioner only range, we have generated 447,816 opportunities to educate consumers and customers about health and wellbeing.

We promote online education programmes in multiple languages, which are accredited by leading universities and governing bodies. The Blackmores Institute hosts five symposia across Australia, New Zealand and Asia for healthcare practitioners. The BioCeuticals FX Medicine podcasts, with integrative medicine education, have been downloaded 65,000 across 40 countries and are ranked third in their category on iTunes.

Over the last year we have committed $764,000, to research institutions; 24 research projects, including clinical trials; and 24 alliances with research bodies such as:

  • The National Institute of Complementary Medicine (NICM), University of Western Sydney
  • The Australian Research Centre in Complementary and Integrative Medicine (ARCCIM), the University of Sydney
  • Chulalongkorn University Thailand
  • Taylor’s University, Malaysia
  • National University of Malaysia
  • Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology – Integrating CM education into allied health degrees
  • Rangsit University to strengthen pharmacists education in Thailand.

Our materiality assessment has highlighted three areas we need to focus on to meet our sustainability commitment to Industry leadership, and the actions and our progress in achieving this goal.


Deliver on the five-year strategic vision to build a diverse sustainable business.
Focus on our four strategic priorities:
Consumer Centricity; Product Leadership; Asia Growth; and Operational Effectiveness.
Continuing with five-year strategic-vision with measurable goals to build a diverse sustainable business.

Built detailed three-year plan and a one-page strategic framework, highlighting our objectives, business principles, our value drivers, our strategic priorities and our strategic approach.

Built a leadership competency map to assess new and existing talent and restructured our rewards programmes; to ensure we built, incentivised and skilled a work-force fit for our future.

Entered new markets, with brand presence in 16 countries and growing.

Leveraging our knowledge entered adjacent product categories; launched infant nutrition and acquired Global Therapeutics, an Australian Chinese herbal medicine business.

Created partnerships with leaders to enter new markets and reduce risk, such as a joint venture with Kalbe Farma to facilitate our launch in Indonesia.

Invested in technology/digital assets to strengthen consumer insights, extend reach to more consumers and drive operating efficiencies utilising robotics on our production lines.

Built an operating hub in Asia, to enable us to empower the regions with decision-making closer to our customers, to utilise cash flows from Asia and construct a natural hedge in our business, to protect us from currency volatility especially as our raw materials are purchased globally.

Investing in the Blackmores Institute to prove the efficacy of our medicine, drive world-first innovation and accredited education.

The Blackmores employee matched donations scheme, whereby staff are encouraged to donate 0.5% of their taxable pay wth Blackmores matching the amount, generated $189,000 for 87 charities.


Continue to invest and strengthen our leadership in research, academic and educational activities
Investing in the Blackmores Institute to prove the efficacy of our medicine, drive world-first innovation and accredited education.Established the Blackmores Institute Research Council.
Ongoing research and education to develop the well-being of communities through education and research.The National Institute of Complementary Medicine (NICM) Scholars Program – building future leaders through educational scholarships.
Rangsit University – strengthening pharmaceutical education in Thailand.
NICM, Western Sydney University.
The Australian Research Centre in Complementary and Integrative Medicine (ARCCIM), the University of Technology, Sydney.
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
Taylor's University, Malaysia.
UKM Pharmacy, National University of Malaysia.
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology - integrating CM education into allied health degrees.
Financial Commitment to research institutions - $764,000.
IndustryMalaysian Pharmaceutical Society
Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
Complementary Medicine Australia
Australasian Integrative Medicine Association
Research24 research projects, clinical trials and scholary activities.
Education447,816 education touchpoints with retailers, healthcare professionals and consumers through:
In-store training
Online Videos
Presentations at Colleges
Expos and trade shows
eLearning modules
Magazines and pubclications
Vet Clinics
BioCeuticals FX Medicine podcasts downloaded more than 65,000 times in 40 countries with a number three ranking on iTunes.
Education through digital platforms1,054,993 touchpoints with consumers, retailers and healthcare professionals through digital platforms.


Protecting the integrity of our brand through training, systems and controls.
Continue to improve and enhance the Blackmores risk management framework.Developed a risk assessment methodology for all new and significant projects to ensure mitigation plans are implemented in delivering a project.
Developed crisis response plans and workshops to ensure procedures and responses are appropriate for new markets and categories.
Key compliance documents have been revised and include the Group Code of Conduct and Competition Law Compliance Policy.
Update induction process to include education on key compliance and code of conduct documents for all employees


People &

To build a supportive workforce, community and marketplace.

Workforce Female

Total Workforce represented in WH&S Committees

Employee Engagement

4000+ attend Blackmores Community Day

raised for local not-for-profits

31% Based in Asia
69% in Australia/NZ

Blackmores employs 843 people in permanent full-time and part-time roles. Many of our team speak an Asian language as their first language. We value the importance of diversity, we are committed to creating a flexible working environment and an emphasis on developing talent. The outcome has been a rich diversity of people in age, gender and skills.

Our employees are engaged in our business and this is reflected in the employee engagement score of 86% we achieved as measured by AON Hewitt. Our team rewards are aligned to shareholder returns and in this financial year staff received 44 days extra pay under our longstanding profit share scheme.

We are continually investing in our people through training and development programs. As our company has expanded across Asia we now offer our Australia-based employees Mandarin classes and our Asian based employees participate in English language classes.

We have built a leadership competency-map to assess new and existing talent and restructured our rewards programmes; to ensure we build an incentivised and skilled work-force fit for our future.

Work Health & Safety (WH&S)

Blackmores’ operations are a ‘low risk’ work environment meaning that there is a low level of occupational hazards. Our records show that there are no long term injuries (impairment) and no fatalities. We have established WH&S committees across multiple sites. These involve representatives from all tiers in the staff structure.

As a company in the health and wellbeing category we are focused on protecting the health and safety of our employees through safe work practices, a formal reporting process for workplace incidents, injuries and potential risks and the publication of a monthly B!Safe newsletter for employees.

To help improve wellness outcomes for our staff we have an on-site corporate wellness centre including a treatment rooms, gymnasium and swimming pool. The business has recently introduced stand up desks to improved wellbeing outcomes for staff.

Supporting our communities

Blackmores recognises our responsibilities within the communities in which we operate. Each market has its own local charity initiatives.

At the company’s Warriewood Campus the Blackmores community day saw more than 4,000 local residents tour the facilities, learn about health and wellbeing, and meet representatives from more than 30 local charities and organisations such as Lifeline Northern Beaches. 75 Blackmores’ staff were on hand to help on the day, and $26,000 was raised to support local charities and not-for-profit organisations.

The Blackmores Sydney Running Festival is an annual event. In 2015 there were more than 32,000 participants, including 1,000 staff, family and friends, from 60 countries. This event raised more than $1.3 million for charities.

Our staff are encouraged to participate in local community events such as 30 of Blackmores employees participated in the Clean Up Australia campaign picking up rubbish at Mona Vale Beach.


Our success relies on our ability to attract, develop and retain a high quality, engaged and diverse workforce.
Encouraging diversity by age, gender and skills.Blackmores was an AON Hewitt 2016 accredited Best Employer achieving an employee engagement score of 86% which was one of the highest engagement scores ever seen.

Low staff turnover < 5.9% (Aus/NZ) and 7.3% (Asia).

Enterprise Agreement rolled out to wholly owned subsidiary, BioCeuticals.

Staff liaison committee - conduit between staff and management.

44 days additional pay received as part of Profit share scheme which has been extended to BioCeuticals and Asia and employees across the group.

Flexible working conditions – including a parental leave policy which enables employees to return to work.

Regular performance review – 100% employees.

Launched B!Connect new global human resources systems.
Ongoing training and development of our staff.Leadership Manager Academy; 16 sessions & 20 participants
Skills training: 35 sessions, 167 participants
Revised competencies framework rolled out globally
28 staff secondments.
Availability of Mandarin classes in Australia and Asian team has access to English classes.


Ensuring the health and safety of our workforce is a key priority.
Improved health and wellbeing for our staffOn site corporate wellness centre including treatment rooms, gymnasium and swimming pool.

Introduced stand up desks to improve wellbeing outcomes for staff.
Ensuring workplace safety.Blackmores’ WH&S committees consist of employees and management representing all of our facilities in Australia.

B!Safe monthly newsletter highlighting WH&S activities and changes for all staff as well as tips on health and wellbeing. Formal reporting process for workplace incidents, injuries and potential risks.

Formal reporting process for workplace incidents, injuries and potential risks.


We will continue and build on our support of local communities, global partnerships, research and education initiatives to help cultivate a culture of health and wellbeing.
Supporting local communities, health & wellbeing and environmental causes and groups.Total value of donations - $411,355.
Supports more than 60 charities, NGOs and individuals including:
Dr Charlie Teo’s Cure Brain Cancer
Heart Research Institute
Bloody Long Walk
First 100 Days (China)
Heat Ali (China)
Macular Disease Foundation
United in Compassion
Arthritis New Zealand
Men’s Health Week (NZ)
MiNDD Foundation
Northern Beaches Interchange
Quest for Life Foundation
Rainbow Rain (China)
United in Compassion
Planet Ark
Collingwood Football Club
Holly Wawn
Joy to the World (Taiwan)

Blackmores Community Day - 4,000+ local residents visited Blackmores’ Warriewood Campus. $26,000 was raised to support local community organisations.

Blackmores Sydney Running Festival – 32,000+ participants, and $1.3million was raised at the event.
Blackmores’ staff are encouraged to participate in fundraising activities or support not-for-profits organisations.Staff hosted regular fundraising events such as bake sales and BBQs to support worthy causes including the Fred Hollows Foundation, Young Endeavour Youth Scheme, Defence Reserves and the Big Red Run to fight diabetes.
Volunteer work has included participating in Clean Up Australia Day when 30 employees helped clean up the beach at Mona Vale, Sydney.


Stakeholder perspectives help inform and influence our company’s strategy and operations. We will continue to engage and respond to our stakeholders about our sustainability journey.
Identified material issues through stakeholder engagement and peer benchmarking.We identified our stakeholders as: our employees, government, regulatory bodies, NGOs, opinion leaders, customers, consumers, media, industry associations, educational institutions, interest groups and community.

We engaged with our stakeholders through a number of different channels including a series of interviews, round table forums and facilitation workshops.

We also conducted peer benchmarking and, international benchmarking to help identify material issues.

Our approach is further disclosed in the Stakeholder Engagement section of this report.

Continued stakeholder engagement through existing communications channels.